Sunday, January 15, 2017

Lush Favorites

Unless you've been living under a rock, then you have probably heard about Lush. If you haven't - I'm sorry, I feel terrible, but do yourself a favor and Google it. You won't be sorry.With a seemingly forever-expanding range of skin care, body care, hair care, make-up, perfumes, and more, Lush can sometimes be seen as the hipster's version of Bath and Body Works. I was suckered into Lush a few years ago and introduced my sister to the cosmetic line. Since then, both of us have been completely and utterly obsessed with Lush. That being said, I have tried loads of different things but there are a few standout products that I absolutely love.

I have tried many a dry shampoo. Like, it's embarrassing how many dry shampoos I have tried. Before No Drought, I was a lover of the dry shampoo sprays - such as Batiste - but had never tried a powder form. When my friend raved about No Drought, I was a bit skeptical but I bought it on a whim and never looked back. This stuff is seriously the best. I usually section off my hair and sprinkle a bit of this stuff at the roots, let it hang out for a few seconds, and use my hair to massage the powder in and to let it do its thing. With No Drought I've noticed that my hair looks progressively better throughout the day, instead of great at first then greasy by the time I get home from school. Best part is that I feel like I have used this at least three times a week for the past five months and I have still barely made a dent in the bottle. #winning 
Twilight is a lavender scented shower gel that I recently got for Christmas. Usually I don't enjoy lavender but there's something about Twilight that I really love. I'm a frequent night-shower-taker, so I love using this before bed, as I find the scent ultra relaxing and refreshing. 

A big part of why I love Lush is definitely the hair care. Although I have tried their skincare and really love it, I really rely on their hair products to keep my hair looking the way I want. Big is a sea salt shampoo that claims to give limp hair a little extra boost but according to Lush's website, sea salt is also great for cleaning hair without stripping hair of its natural oils. I bought this when my hair was long and didn't super love it but now that it's short (mishap at the salon that I still have war flashbacks of sometimes), I really enjoy it. I find that my hair gets weighted down at the roots and this helps put some life back into it. Best part is? It smells amazing.

These babies are definitely the highlight of this post, as I use them as kind of a system to help my hair. The Jasmine and Henna Fluff-Eaze is a hair treatment that I love using as a pre-shampoo treatment. Usually I mix in a bit of coconut or moroccan oil into this stuff but it works wonders on its own. I slather this all over my hair, put it up in a bun, and wait for as long as I feel like waiting. Sometimes I will put this in before I go to the gym so my body heat can really help this stuff penetrate my hair. After I leave this on for a bit, I shampoo as normal but days when I use this, I skip on conditioner. No matter if I use the Jasmine and Henna Fluff-Eaze, though, I always, always follow up with R&B hair moisturizer. I don't know which angels make this stuff, but it's seriously good. After showering, I towel dry my hair a bit and put the smallest amount of R&B into my hair, focusing on the ends up to about the bottom of my ear, then I let my hair air dry. The result? Frizz-free and shiny hair that is super soft. Be warned, if you use too much of R&B, your hair could dry and look greasy as all heck, so use sparingly! 

There you have it, my favorite Lush products! It is worth mentioning that I also swear by their bubble bars and bath bombs but I love them so much that I didn't have any on hand. In addition, their face masks are also amazing - Cup o' Coffee in particular is one that I love using once a week. I'm sure that my love for Lush will only grow from here, but for now, these are my staples.

xx Mary

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